BB25 Eviction Day Oct 19

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BB25 Eviction Day Oct 19

Post by KeithX »

With everyone lined up to put Cory in the jury house this evening, Cormerica planned a bangathon evening. Whatever they did, it stayed under the covers.

Jag wrapped himself around Matt's backside to tell him how much he liked him. There are plenty of pictures showing what looked like gay sex, but Matt kept his pants on so it wasn't.

Felicia operated on her toe but she didn't use a meat cleaver, so she kept most of her toe intact. Bowie was nervousing a lot about what's going to happen to her next. That wasn't fun to watch, but it is true that everyone will want her on the block if she doesn't win HoH.

Did Cormerica do "everything" or not? Will America announce she will be giving birth on the finale? Enquiring minds really don't want to know.

The feeds will be off a lot all day. The president will interrupt the first 15 minutes of the eviction show to announce exactly how bad everyone should feel about people getting blowed up.

Odds are high Julia Chenley will wear ugly clothes again this week. You read it here first!