Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

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Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by KeithX »

For better or worse, Angela appeals to a certain demographic group: women who are over 50. Let's not hide from the fact that those women are the primary audience for Skibidi Brother and they always have been. I don't know whether Angela will define a new beginning or the last nail in the coffin of this broadcast franchise. Frankly, I don't care which it will be.

But BB Production cares & they'll try to keep the ball in the air as long as they can. So yes, they're promoting Angela and pimping for her in the Diary Room, and whispering in everyone's ear. And it worked. Whoopee!
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by Markus »

Don’t know how else to reply to a post from a locked thread but I’ll try.

BBinTN wrote:
No doubt production was the little birdie. I guess at this point I'm hoping kimo goes home to break up the Kimo, Tkor,, Rubina trio.

Markus reply:
I totally agree. Those 3 together are very dangerous and if Joesph gets voted out they will probably regain control of the game. Depends on who wins the next hoh and how the upcoming double eviction goes. There are so many variables with 3 nominees. I’m hoping that’s the big game change Julie eluded to, that Maybe after this eviction they will go back to 2 nominees.

I so much hope someone soon will target TKor. She’s never been on the block and never been a have-not. She’d been behind so much shady stuff and comes out smelling like a rose and has everyone thinking she’s just this meek little shy girl that’s so sweet and thoughtful. She doesn’t have me fooled. She’s cut throat, holds a grudge and plays personal and will vote personal. Too bad she was not the replacement nominee instead of Joe!😔

So getting rid of Timo would be the next best thing I suppose.🙂
Yes, I still want a Janie Doll!
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by BBinTN »

KeithX wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:32 am For better or worse, Angela appeals to a certain demographic group: women who are over 50. Let's not hide from the fact that those women are the primary audience for Skibidi Brother and they always have been. I don't know whether Angela will define a new beginning or the last nail in the coffin of this broadcast franchise. Frankly, I don't care which it will be.

But BB Production cares & they'll try to keep the ball in the air as long as they can. So yes, they're promoting Angela and pimping for her in the Diary Room, and whispering in everyone's ear. And it worked. Whoopee!
Keith, I'm in that demographic but don't care for Angela AT ALL. I seem to be an exception, though, as she's at the top of most popularity charts I see online. Sure, she's pure drama, but not the good kind ... to me at least. Is it wrong that I laugh every time she fake cries and wipes away non-existent tears? :roll:

I am surprised that production couldn't talk the houseguests into keeping Tucker last week.
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by KeithX »

BBinTN wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:06 am Keith, I'm in that demographic but don't care for Angela AT ALL. I seem to be an exception, though, as she's at the top of most popularity charts I see online. Sure, she's pure drama, but not the good kind ... to me at least. Is it wrong that I laugh every time she fake cries and wipes away non-existent tears? :roll:

I am surprised that production couldn't talk the houseguests into keeping Tucker last week.
Viewers don't seem to differentiate good drama from bad, as long as there is drama. Either way we can all laugh at her a lot. She is relatable in some sense, because we all know someone like her that we do our best to avoid lol.

As for Tucker, he was too arrogant and foolish. The eviction was his own stupid fault. Pure hubris. Now Quinn is the gaming focal point. All I can say about that is EWWWWW!!! Hahaha!

Skibidi Toilet
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by BBinTN »

Markus wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:04 am Don’t know how else to reply to a post from a locked thread but I’ll try.

BBinTN wrote:
No doubt production was the little birdie. I guess at this point I'm hoping kimo goes home to break up the Kimo, Tkor,, Rubina trio.

Markus reply:
I totally agree. Those 3 together are very dangerous and if Joesph gets voted out they will probably regain control of the game. Depends on who wins the next hoh and how the upcoming double eviction goes. There are so many variables with 3 nominees. I’m hoping that’s the big game change Julie eluded to, that Maybe after this eviction they will go back to 2 nominees.

I so much hope someone soon will target TKor. She’s never been on the block and never been a have-not. She’d been behind so much shady stuff and comes out smelling like a rose and has everyone thinking she’s just this meek little shy girl that’s so sweet and thoughtful. She doesn’t have me fooled. She’s cut throat, holds a grudge and plays personal and will vote personal. Too bad she was not the replacement nominee instead of Joe!😔

So getting rid of Timo would be the next best thing I suppose.🙂
I totally agree. But now it seems like Joseph could become the target this week.
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by MoreStaminaThanKyle »

Markus wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:04 am
I so much hope someone soon will target TKor. She’s never been on the block and never been a have-not. She’d been behind so much shady stuff and comes out smelling like a rose and has everyone thinking she’s just this meek little shy girl that’s so sweet and thoughtful. She doesn’t have me fooled. She’s cut throat, holds a grudge and plays personal and will vote personal. Too bad she was not the replacement nominee instead of Joe!😔
We want her out too, however we don't see her as tough as you describe. My wife said to me, "[sic] TKor's HoH made Angela's look good". And I had to agree. She was such a pansy that she gave control back to the other side. Tucker was a bit over the top but she should have never had him up there - and certainly not with Angela. You cannot put two alliance members up. She accepted Tucker's offer because she didn't want to put Chelsea up Makensy was her only buffer. That's being a total wuss. What I've seen on the feeds (admittedly, I don't pore over them), she comes across as mild. I can't stand watching weak people.
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by Topgrandma »

Frankly, as an almost 89 year old woman, I find Angela with her fake crying and maniacal rants disgusting and not a good representative of older women. Having watched BB for many years, I find this group of people totally boring. with no redeeming qualities and absolutely no backbone or ability to think for themselves - they are literally a herd of lemmings waiting to march off a cliff!
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Re: Sept 3 Skibidi Feeds

Post by KeithX »

Topgrandma wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:34 pm Frankly, as an almost 89 year old woman, I find Angela with her fake crying and maniacal rants disgusting and not a good representative of older women. Having watched BB for many years, I find this group of people totally boring. with no redeeming qualities and absolutely no backbone or ability to think for themselves - they are literally a herd of lemmings waiting to march off a cliff!
Oh yes! I loved reading your comment TG. I totally share the disgust. Lemmings! But like lemmings, there are so many of them. The foolish, or entitled, or just plain never looked in a mirror once, metaphorically. If crying doesn't work, throw a tantrum. Why is it that so many people from the mid 20th century are so ... well, mid?

Enquiring minds don't really want to know. We just want them to stay far, far away.

But never forget that an entire self selected group of "reality fans" prefer Angela's sort of reality. W T A F