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Re: July 27 Live Feeds

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:02 pm
by Markus
All I can report on the live feeds is they were down again and down for about 2 hours.

It’s really making watching feeds more of an aggravating task, instead of something fun to do!

Only thing I know is Chelsie was talking one on one with Angela in hoh bedroom and the convo I think had something to do with her and Quinn and a possible alliance that Angela pointed out to Quinn earlier. She pointed out in the backyard a possible alliance were all in the hammock, which was Cedric , Cam, T’Kor & Chelsie I believe.

After that convo, Chelsie went outside and sat down, Long in thought then told someone she was afraid Angela was soon going melt down again.
That’s all I know, these long feed blocks are getting very very old!☹️

And as I type….feeds down again! At this rate people are going to give up on them, especially with other entertainment available right now like the Olympics….

Re: July 27 Live Feeds

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:35 pm
by Markus
Feeds sporadic, everyone sitting together in the back yard having a merry ole time and Angela in the kitchen by herself, sad looking.

In comes Kimo and asked how she was doing and stated, “it’s a tough house” she breaks down and does her poor me routine and is full on victim mode again bawling.
…..and feeds are down again! Ridiculous!

Re: July 27 Live Feeds

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:34 pm
by Markus
Feeds are still crap. Got 2 conversation done in about 7 hours and it was first between MJ and Brooklyn in the storage room and it appears mj has told Brooklyn about her power and some 5 girl alliance that they are forming. No idea if it’s real or fake.
Then Tucker comes in and Brooklyn leaves and MJ and Tucker go back and forth about MJ having the power. Tucker already guessed right earlier about her having a power but wrong on what it did. He thought it was 2 votes. To gain his trust MJ fessed up that she did have it and told him it wasn’t 2 votes but it could only help her and not harm anyone and it was good for 4 weeks. She didn’t tell him about the specifics of it(America chooses replacement).

And that’s What I got out of a whole Saturday f’ing with these frustrating feeds…….

Re: July 27 Live Feeds

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:10 am
by Markus
Feeds retuned semi-reliably very late.

It’s interesting that almost ever night they have no problems showing 4 different cams without interruption of people sleeping but keeps us in the dark about almost every other conversation, fight, one on one, ect.

I know we say it every year, but this really is the worst I’ve ever seen the feeds. Abysmal!

They are covering something up and I’m afraid it might be this way all the way until Thursday.☹️

Angela almost certainly is the problem. Whether she is an insider plant or not, she is the problem and will be leaving Thursday if she doesn’t win Ai arena comp.

All this week Lisa has been the target and everyone wanted her out. Now today after all this cover up the folks are all saying Lisa is staying and Angela is out unless she wins A.I. arena. So something big happened in the house today to flip everybody that fast to now make Angela the target.
None of this surprises me after everything I’ve learned and alread know about Angela.